Added on by bryce lankard.

Mother’s Day

Here in Chapel HIll, Mother’s Day often coincides with Commencement. I had occasion to be on campus twice this week First, giving an old girlfriend a tour of my old stomping grounds, and then, photographing friends of mine, a married couple 7 months pregnant. 

Thoughts of love and support crowded out my usual nostalgia for the day some 25 years ago when I was wearing my cap and gown and strolling these grounds. My sister and I graduated the same day and our parents and grandparents were all in attendance, witnessing the culmination of a lifetime of nurturing us to get to this point. And here I was with dear friends who were about to begin the same journey while all around us families gathered proudly around their own loved ones who were wearing the light blue mortar board.

As if the universe were in tune to my sentiments, It kept pointing out to me all these carvings in trees and tables and such (always a favorite subject of mine), that were scattered around places like the Forest Theatre and the Coker Arboretum. Enduring symbols that mark time and love and the passage of the same. All in all, it served me well, coming away with these images and a grateful attitude for the love and support and wonderful relationships and adventures I have had that fill that timeline.